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Yes, There Are Stupid Questions!

Ferdous Shourove


Some people say,

There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers

Well, it’s not entirely true.

If you don’t pay attention and read a situation well enough, you can end up asking a stupid question. Stupid questions come in many shapes and forms. Like asking an irrelevant question, or asking something repetitive. But is that truly a problem? If it is how big of a problem is it? Is it a bigger problem than not asking any questions at all?

In a meeting or group discussion, when no one is asking any questions, it might appear that everyone understands everything. And you are the dumb one without a clue about what’s happening. And once you start feeling that at any point in time in a meeting, it just keeps getting worse. And the longer you wait to ask the first question the harder and more scary more uncomfortable it becomes. And a lot of the time you just stay silent for the meeting to be over and hope that no one asks you any questions. Yeah, I have been to that place before. And still, now I find myself ending up in the exact same spot.

The Opportunity to Ask a Question is a Privilege!

Having an opportunity to ask someone a question, especially if that someone is a professional, is a tremendous opportunity and a privilege. Use…

